WKR is pleased to announce the November 22 signing of an Agreement appointing WKR as proponent of the Gray's Bay Port and Road Project (GBRP).
Our landowner and shareholder, Kitikmeot Inuit Association, has been the proponent developing the GBRP project since 2018. In 2019, Canada entered into a $21.6 million Contribution Agreement with KIA from the National Trade Corridors Fund (NTCF) to advance GBPR Phase 1 to shovel-ready status.
Yesterday's signing of a Novation and Assignment Agreement between Canada, WKR, and KIA transfers the proponent responsibilities for GBRP, and the NTCF Contribution Agreement, to WKR.
GBRP is a multi-user, multi-purpose asset that will further assert Inuit and Canadian sovereignty over the Northwest Passage. It is a vital infrastructure corridor between southern Canada and the Kitikmeot. GBRP will be key to unlocking the critical minerals wealth of the Kitikmeot, and will be a driver of new opportunities for Kitikmeot Beneficiaries.